Monday, November 29, 2010

Naughty Naughty! Tories telling porkies in parliament.

Tories are being naughty with lies, damn lies and statistics.

Left Foot Forward have been keeping an eye on the numbers being used by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Looks like Ian Duncan-Smith hasn't been entirely truthful when reporting "facts" and figures to parliament.

Thumbs up go to Left Foot Forward for keeping an eye on the new bunch of spinners, liars and charlatans.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Euroland being sold off to the Chinese.

With the continued unwinding of the Euro, bailouts and loans, who is really pulling the strings?

The chief architect of the Euro, Germany is finally getting close to acheiving it's dream of being the Head of Europe.

The Germans and their proxy bank, the ECB have successfully duped most of Europe into joining a common currency. A common currency with cross-border interest rates, monetary supply and control mechanisms.

This "one-size-fits-all" only fits one nation. Germany. The industrial giant of mainland Europe has successfully brought the peripheral countries of Euroland to heel. By keeping interest rates low, the ECB has created housing bubbles throughout Ireland, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain. There are a lot of people that have agreed to pay over-inflated amounts for bricks and mortar.

The "little people" of the PIIGS are at the mercy of the ECB and the Germans. Those nations are collapsing. Ireland is being encouraged to rid itself of low business taxes in order to pay of it's debts. This will make it worse for Ireland. Low taxation has made it possible for large corporations to operate profitably out of Ireland for the past 15 years. Those corporations brought jobs and money to a country that had been impoverished by financial incompetencies going back to the Easter independence.

Those in the ECB now want to kill off any chance of the Irish getting themselves out of the mire by penalising their taxation model. The EU wants to bring them in line with everyone else. The EUSSR is going to kill off any chance that the Irish have got, bankrupt them and turn them into paupers. They want Ireland to be kept on the breadline so that it has to constantly return to suckle at the teat of the EUSSR, and to gets it's milk, it's going to have to do whatever it is told to do.

The Euro was doomed from the start. Each nation within Europe has different financial needs. Industrial nations need exports, the southern states need tourism and agriculture to thrive. These are two very different types of economy. The hammer of low europe-wide interest rates worked for the Germans, but has led to rampant borrowing by nations that can now not afford the repayments on their debts.

In steps the Germans and the ECB to bail-them out. How much are the PIIGS going to have to kow-tow to Germany to retain any remains of their sovereignty?

As the German proxy bank steps in to provide assistance, they are creating debts owed by sovereign nations. The ECB has no need to keep hold of this debt, it is far more lucrative to sell it on. Make a proft on the backs of the duped millions throughout Europe. Only one nation has the clout to buy up such large packages.

That nation is China. It has vast cash reserves after convincing the West to buy goods and items that depreciate as soon they are sold. China has been using this income to invest in assets that appreciate in value. Not only does China take money from us from trade but it now owns the mortgages that we and our children and our children's children will be paying off long into the future.

People of Europe! You've been had.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

UK should expect another wave of Immigration

Again, there will be another wave of immigration to Britain.

Agian it will come not from afar, but from the Irish Republic. As the Emerald Island goes on the beg to the ECB and possibly to the IMF over the next few months, I expect a flight of Irish to the UK.

The port of Holyhead will be busy over the coming years. I expect many Irish will escape the dire straits of the Eire economy and flee to England in order to find work and to pay off their accumulated debts. Northern Ireland is already being bankrolled by Westminster and will see its mainly public sector workforce feeling the pinch. There is no slack within the Northern jobs market, and the Republicans know this.

Sorry Ireland. You had your chance. You rejected the Lisbon treaty only to be asked to vote until you got the "right" result for the EU masters. You took large EU subsidies and pissed them up the wall in a humungous housing bubble.

Ireland: would you like to leave the Euro and join the pound?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rolls-Royce pulls engines from A380 production line.

An Airbus spokesman in Singapore has been reported as saying that Rolls has pulled engines from the A380 production line in order to replace problematic engines.

This could make an impact on deliveries to airlines waiting for A380 orders to be completed. Singapore Airlines and Qantas still have outstanding orders with the Airbus Consortium.

Rolls-Royce shares have taken a knock since the Qantas A380 incident that saw an engine break apart during flight on the 4th November.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Congratulations Gumpathon!

The Gumpathon, named after the fictional journey made by Forrest Gump, has completed an epic run across America.

Raising money for, and awareness of Help for Heroes, Semper Fi Fund and The Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund the Gumpathon members ran as a relay team from New York to Santa Monica in 63 days. Their 3,530 mile journey across the United States is to be applauded and respected.

Well done to
CSgt Damian Todd RM
Mark Ormrod  
Master Gunnery Sergeant Charles "Chunks" Padilla USMC
Marine Jamie Jobson
Cpl Lloyd Fenner RM
SSgt James Mazzoni-Dalton Army Physical Training Corps

Thanks must also go out to their support team that drove equipment and supplies during the run, managed the running of the team, and made the whole world aware of this very worthwhile acheivement.    

Qantas A380 Rolls-Royce Engine

Rolls-Royce believe the failure of a Qantas Airbus A380 engine last week is down to a specific component.

A process of inspection will continue on the RR Trent 900 engines, and the relevant module will be replaced as part of an agreed programme.

The share price of the company has fallen since the incident, although only by about 10%. The value of Rolls-Royce as of markets closing last night is still in excess of 11 billion pounds.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

iPad v Samsung Galaxy Tab v RIM Blackberry Playbook

The smaller slate form factor should have another device for you to choose in the new year.

Research In Motion, the manufacturers of the Blackberry, have developed a 7" slate format device.

It is considerably smaller than the Apple iPad but at least, along with the Samsung Tab, will be able to fit in a pocket.

The RIM is expected to run Adobe Flash and Shockwave, something that the developers at Apple have refused to include. BBC iplayer and other streaming services such as youtube should not be a problem.

If you can't wait, the Samsung device is the same size as the Playbook and has been available for a while.

Not enough Police at Millbank?

Call Me Dave forgot to give them a payrise as soon as he got into Downing Street. They're expecting austerity measures to cut them too. Why would they want to get into a fight with people that face a similar problem to their own.

Wakey Wakey Dave! The Unionistas were bound to start stirring up trouble as soon as Liebour was out of government. It's in their nature. If they're not holding the reins of power, they'll undermine, sabotage and subvert those that do.

Get the Old Bill onside as soon as you can. You're going to have to bribe them.

G20 still wringing their hands over global economic crisis

The G20 meeting in Seoul has it's share of handwringers.

European Commission President Barosso happily sat on the fence while the Irish economy took another hit. "we have all the essential instruments in place in the European Union and euro zone to act if necessary, but I am not going to make any speculation".

The costs associated with insuring investors against Ireland, Spain and Portual defaulting on its national debts reached new highs yesterday.

Will the ECB, by which I mean the Germans really have to get involved in guiding Lenihan and Co. out of the mire? There has been talk of the ECB having representatives in Dublin, but it's being kept very hush-hush.

Watch out for US investment company Loomis Sayles getting into trouble. They're the ones buying up Irish bonds at the moment.

NUS vs Millbank

Yesterday's damage caused by protesters at Millbank in London reeks of hypocrisy.

When tuition fees were introduced under a Liebour government the NUS did not cause mayhem outside Liebour Party Headquarters.

The leadership of the NUS at the time wouldn't have wanted to jeopardise its career prospects with Liebour.

A bit of research shows that several ex-Presidents have had high flying careers within Liebour.

Jack Straw was president and went onto become Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, and Lord High Chancellor while in government.

Charles Clarke went on to become Home Secretary.

Trevor Phillips served as chair of the London Assembly.

Phil Woolas has served as a Home Office Minister.

Maeve Sherlock worked as a SpAd for Gordon Brown and is a Liebour Life Peer.

Stephen Twigg rose through the Liebour ranks to become Minister of State for Schools.

Lorna Fitzsimmons was Liebour MP for Rochdale.

Jim Murphy was appointed Secretary of State for Scotland by Gordon Brown.

Mandy Telford is a SpAd to Tessa Jowell.

It would appear that thanks to his management of the march yesterday, the current NUS president,  Aaron Porter will have done his career prospects no favours.