Monday, January 17, 2011

A year on...

... since I refused to renew my TV "licence".

I haven't paid TV tax for the past 12 months, and I will continue with my refusal.

The BBC is paid for by a tax and by its own commercial activities. Over £3.5 BILLION pounds is handed over to the BBC each year in order for it to pay ridiculous salaries to alleged "talent", for it to send a squad of dozens of "journalists" to cover a ballkicking competition, and for it's glorious leaders to cream off hundreds of thousands of pounds each in salary every year.

The news journos do nothing than regurgitate press releases, the rest of the money is spent on circuses and bread for the braindead viewers.

The BBC hasn't had a penny off me, and it's cost them at least one letter per month, and the basic salary of one of their TV licence goons to knock on my door on at least four occasions.

Take your biased, overpaid, dumbed-down broadcasting and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

German economy 3.6% growth last year.

The German economy grew at 3.6% in 2010. Twice the EU average.

The UK economy, thanks to increases in manufacturing grew 2.5%. There is still a lot of catching up to do in UK to overturn the reduction in growth during 2008/09.

Germany expects that during 2011, China will become the biggest importer of German goods, taking over from the United States. The trend towards the East instead of North America has been apparent since America started to repackage dodgy loans and sell them on as prime investments.

United Kingdom manufacturing is showing a small resurgence. Now is the time to promote exports and cut bureacracy for exporters in order to reduce the trade deficit and bring cash back into the UK.

We need to get money back from the Chinese. We need to sell to them.